What do you desire?
As we focus our thoughts on what we want, it is amazing how doors continue to open in the most unexpected and beautiful ways.
My mornings are very much how I envisioned them during a coaching exercise over ten years ago. Yes, it’s still evolving to my ultimate vision, but then again, it’s already here in so many respects.
Today I’m immersed in fourth quarter planning for my business. Well, I shouldn’t just say business, because I make sure that I block out time for myself and my family and friends. For example, one item on my monthly task list is making sure I schedule a massage every month (happy to report they’re already on the calendar for the rest of the year).
That’s a view of what’s happening on the floor of my office right now. Lots of colored pens, post its and my vision board. What you can’t tell is that I’m diffusing Peppermint, Lavender and Passion oils while planning…..yum!
This week I challenge you to focus your thoughts on what you want and see what happens. (But, REMEMBER, action is needed to support those thoughts!)
Happy dreaming….