This morning I was reading I Am Worthy by Desiree Mangandog. That’s my frequent morning view below.
This book is really a journey of releasing shame and building a strong foundation of self-worth using the principles of Chinese medicine, energy work, and essential oils.
It is a five-week experience, but I decided to stay with weak one for an extra week. (If you want to join the fun, message me and I can send you the information.)
One of my lessons to continually learn is to listen to my intuition, and asked myself what it is that I need, rather then sticking to the schedule that others are following.
That ties right into one of the learnings from today.
“Progress is the goal, not perfection. Even a 1% change day by day, week by week, will lead you to a vastly different destination”
That’s great advice with or without oils, although I love how these oils have helped create a profound emotional shift for me.