I am fresh off the doTerra Convention, an incredibly moving, inspirational and educational experience in Salt Lake City with 30,000 of my closest friends.
It was definitely among the most impactful events I’ve ever attended. I can’t tell you how many times I had goosebumps or tears in my eyes. It wasn’t about business. It wasn’t about people making money.
It was about making a difference.
Whether that difference is within yourself, your family, your community, or in the world, ONE person CAN be the change. One person can make a difference.
One of the highlights was listening to Immaculée Ilibagiza, a Rwandan genocide survivor. During the genocide, Immaculée found shelter at a pastor’s home, where she and seven other women hid from the deadly rebel mob in a 3-by-4-foot bathroom for 91 days. During those 91 days of unimaginable suffering, Immaculée found her faith, taught herself English, and most incredibly, committed herself to a life of peace, hope and forgiveness, even for those who had murdered her family.
Hers is a powerful message of hope, love and forgiveness. (I highly recommend her book Left to Tell, which I read prior to attending convention)
Though I was mesmerized by her presence, I managed to jot down a few notes while she was speaking. Rather than try to meld them into a message, I share them simply as I wrote them. They stand alone.
Fear is our worst enemy
Be careful how you judge people, you don’t know who God will send you when you need it most
Complaining and blaming doesn’t help
Ask what can I do now with the situation?
Pain and suffering have a way of teaching us really invaluable lessons
Be willing, even if you don’t know how
There are no bad consequences for caring for people
Life is your gift. It is up to you how to use it
It’s all about love
Do what you do with great love
Live it fully. Live it passionately and give the best you have
Thank you Immaculée, thank you doTerra, and to all (especially my team) who made this magical!
Make it a great day,
PS I will be sharing tons of convention takeaways – both inspiring nuggets and lots science, on my InterPlay Health Facebook page. It will probably take me the rest of the year to share all this goodness! I invite you to go give it a Like and add it to your feed (to see posts you must follow the page). And if you feel moved to share any of the posts, I’d greatly appreciate it!