I was on the phone just before I began writing this and we were talking about whether or not the things that make up our days are in alignment with what is most important to us.
This is actually something I’ve given quiet a lot of thought to and continue to effort toward, always a work in progress. I’m very clear on my values….. Faith I also know that when something ticks off more than two or three from the list it’s a big win. For example,workout out (health) with a friend (friendship), especially in a group fitness class (community) that I’ve never taken before (learning). This is a valuable decision making tool. Many of us have a hard time with that elusive word – No. When something truly doesn’t support your values, it can be a little easier to say no. Even things that are ‘must dos’ can be tied into the values. For example calling my mom or a friend (family/friendship) while I’m putting away laundry or popping on an audio book (learning) when I have to do a lot of driving. Since I’m a paper planner gal, I like to use lots of colors when planning my week. Fun stuff in orange, workouts and self-care in pink, business generating activities in green, etc. I can see at a glance if my week is out of proportion. Sometimes it just will be that way. And that’s ok. But if it’s that way week after week, something is off balance. It reminds me to make a shift. This is your one precious life, how will you design it? |
Your chance to be the designer…