Valentine’s Day is about LOVE. And love is love.
It’s not a day to feel bad if you don’t have a romantic partner in your life. I got married later in life and there were PLENTY of Valentine’s Days where I did not have someone special in my life.
LOVE is love for your parent, sibling, child, friend, neighbor, coworker, fellow man/woman, pet…and most of all, and in my opinion FIRST on the list (ok, well other than God, or whatever higher power you believe in, if that’s your thing)….YOU!
Love is about loving yourself first!
When we do that, we are able to love others.
Last night’s Drops of Wisdom call was one of my favorites. My colleagues Dinah Wilson and Danielle Hardee shared some beautiful ideas for self love. Dinah leads a lovely brief mediation and Danielle shares some great resources and more!
Hope you’ll check it out. and I hope that you will show yourself some love today!